1. Pharmacy school experience: share your daily routine, classes, exams, and any challenges you face as a pharmacy student. 2. Pharmacy internships: talk about your experiences at different pharmacies, what you’ve learned, and any tips for future interns. 3. Pharmacy career paths: discuss the different career options available for pharmacists, such as community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, or industry jobs. 4. Pharmacy technology: showcase the latest technology being used in pharmacies, such as automated dispensing machines or telepharmacy services. 5. Pharmacy safety: share tips for staying safe in a pharmacy setting, such as proper handling of hazardous medications or dealing with aggressive patients. 6. Pharmacy community involvement: highlight any community service initiatives that pharmacies are involved in, such as medication disposal programs or health screenings. 7. Pharmacy patient education: demonstrate how pharmacists can help patients understand their medications and manage chronic conditions. 8. Pharmacy research: discuss any ongoing research in the field of pharmacy, such as new drug discoveries or innovative delivery methods. 9. Pharmacy travel experiences: share your experiences working in different countries or cultures and how it has impacted your perspective on pharmacy practice. 10. Pharmacy personal growth: talk about how being a pharmacist has helped you grow personally and professionally, and any lessons you’ve learned along the way.